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Some of us packed on a few pounds last year. Luckily, losing weight, or at least leveling off, is also possible. Here are four sneaky things that contribute to weight gain...
- Focusing too much on "calories in, calories out." - The types of foods matter too, not just how many calories you eat. A diet that's heavy in processed food will cause your blood sugar to spike and make you feel hungry all the time.
- Only snacking on unhealthy stuff - There are healthy snacks too, like nuts. They've got a lot more nutrition going on than what you get form a donut, or a bag or chips. Remember, not every snack has to be your favorite thing in the world to eat.
- Eating vegetables, but the wrong kind - Try not to lean on starchy vegetables as much, like potatoes and peas. Non-starchy things like broccoli, brussels sprouts, carrots, and mushrooms do a better job of making you feel full longer.
- Too much sitting around - The American Heart Association says we need at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderate exercise a week. For example, a 30-minute brisk walk, five times a week.
Even before the pandemic, only 20% of Americans were hitting that number.
SOURCE: Eat This