How risky was the stuff you did over Fourth of July weekend? A group of infectious disease experts ranked a bunch of activities by how risky they are.
They looked at four key factors: Is it in an enclosed space? How long do you interact with other people? Are there crowds? And is there "forceful exhalation," meaning things like yelling or singing...
1. Low risk:
- Staying home
- Walking, running, or biking
- Having a socially distanced picnic
- Picking up takeout or getting groceries.
2. Low to medium risk:
- Grocery shopping
- Retail shopping
- Playing "distanced" sports outside like tennis or golf.
3. Medium risk:
- Outdoor restaurants
- Museums
- Taking a taxi or Uber
- A doctor or dentist appointment
- Visiting an E.R.
4. Medium to high risk:
- Exercising at a gym
- Working in an office
- Indoor restaurants and coffee shops
- Getting your hair or nails done.
5. High risk:
- Indoor parties
- Contact sports
- Bars and nightclubs
- Public transportation
- Airplanes
- Concerts
- Religious services
- Movie theaters
- Live sporting events.