We can all agree that 2020 has just been THE WORST. So people are comparing 2020 to terrible things online and they are GOLD!
Here are some that I came up with:
- If 2020 was a football player, it would be Antonio Brown
- If 2020 was a Harry Potter character, it would be Dolores Umbridge
- If 2020 were a disastrous celebrity, it would be 2014 Justin Bieber
- If 2020 were a drink, it would be unsweetened ice tea
- If 2020 was a Washington Redskin, it would be Albert Haynesworth
- If 2020 was an SNL character, it would be Debbie Downer
- If 2020 was a vegetable, it would be cauliflower
- If 2020 was a movie, it would be “Groundhog Day”
What would 2020 be for you?