Rockingham County Fair Announcement:
The Rockingham County Fair Association has been working with State and Local Officials in determining what the Rockingham County Fair should look like in 2020. The Rockingham County Fair may not be Rolling Out the Red Carpet; but we are going back to our Agricultural Roots.
According to Virginia’s current guidelines fairs and livestock shows are allowed. Following these guidelines, the Rockingham County Fair Board has worked extremely hard to continue with the tradition of having the Rockingham County Fair. The heart of our fair is our livestock shows and competitions, so this year we will be focusing on bringing our fair back to our original roots. At this time, the Rockingham County Fair will have: (This plan is subject to change based on state and local guidelines and board decisions.)
Livestock Shows
- 4-H and FFA Livestock Show and Sales
- Beef Show
- Dairy Show
- Goat Show
- Sheep Show
- Poultry, Rabbits, and Pigeons Shows
- Homemaking
- Arts
- Photography
- Horticulture
- Flowers
- Farm Crops
Fair Food Booths
Antique Tractor Pull on Friday, August 21 in the Grandstand
- 1,000 people limit
- $5 presale tickets
- Social Distancing will be enforced
Farm Tractor Pull in the Grandstand
- 1,000 people limit
- $10 presale tickets
- Social Distancing will be enforced
The Rockingham County Fair will not have:
- Midway with Carnival Rides or Games
- Bingo
- Grounds Entertainment each day
- Harrisonburg Ford Arena Activities
- National Music Entertainment (Refunds will be Issued)
- Demolition Derby
- Diesel drag racing
The Rockingham County Fair Association wants to ensure our community that we are focusing on safety. Following Phase 3 guidelines be prepared to:
Follow physical distancing guidelines
- Physical markings will be in place
- Limited and Enforced Ground’s Attendance
- Follow Foot Traffic Patterns
- Face Coverings will be required while standing in line for food or entrance to events
Exhibit Hall only open Tuesday – Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to view competition areas
- Face Coverings will be required
- Livestock Areas will have limited visitation areas
- Live Streaming of the shows will be available
- Online Auction will be available during our live livestock sale
- Face Coverings will be required when social distancing cannot be maintained
Facebook updates of competition winners
Tractor Pull Events (Grandstand Event) will be limited to 1000 people
- Online tickets sales
- Physical Distancing will be required
- Face Coverings will be required when social distancing cannot be maintained
Cleaning crews will clean restrooms and high touch surfaces according to guidelines
Volunteers will go through a health screening check
The key to remember is that this year’s fair will not look anything like the ones we are used to in the past. In 2019, the fair’s total attendance was close to 80,000 people Monday – Saturday. This year following guidelines the fair’s total attendance will not even reach 10,000 people Monday – Saturday. The Rockingham County Fair Association is fortunate to have the barn space, show ring areas, exhibit halls and acreage to provide a safe experience for our exhibitors, volunteers, and those who want to view our competitions. The modified fair will be held August 17 -22, 2020 as we go back to our Ag Roots.