You may have heard there’s “no such thing as a stupid question.” Well, not at Tom’s Diner. In fact, it’ll cost you.
The beloved diner in Denver, Colo., has recently gained some attention online after a customer uploaded a photo of their receipt to Reddit.
At first, the tab reads normally: “1 Side Mashed Potatoes $2.99, 1 Chick Tenders Basket $9.00.” But the last item is what has people talking — and laughing: “1 Stupid Question $0.38.”
But really, the $0.38 up-charge should not have come as a surprise to the customer, because the restaurant lists its price for a “stupid question” under the “Sides” section of its menu. According to some, asking a Tom’s Diner server what constitutes a “stupid question” a chargeable offense in and of itself.
The person who shared the photo did not disclose what “stupid question,” specifically, led to the charge...