Chris Carmichael

Chris Carmichael

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Jimmy Johns Wants to Buy You a House So They Can Deliver to You

If you live outside the delivery range of a Jimmy John's, there may be a way to get that fixed. Jimmy John's has launched a national contest where they want to give someone $250,000 towards a house. Jimmy John's delivery policy only allows them to deliver to places that are 5 minutes away so their sandwiches are delivered freaky fast and stay freaky fresh.

According to Thrillist:

To combat this bump in the road for all the customers not within the small delivery radius of Jimmy John's, the beloved sandwich chain is hosting a "Home in the Zone" contest, where the grand prize is $250,000 towards purchasing a home within a Jimmy John's delivery bubble.

For sandwich obsessives/home-owners who already live within the gilded walls of a Jimmy John's delivery zone -- and therefore don't qualify for the sweepstakes -- Jimmy John's is offering prizes to five winners to get free sandwiches (and delivery) for an entire year. 

The contest started yesterday and will go to October 4th and all you have to do is write a 250 word essay about why you want to live in a sandwich delivery zone. Click here to get entered!

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