A new survey found over half of Americans don't regularly wash their face. And a lot of people who do aren't doing it right. Here are the five most common things we do wrong . . .
- Not doing it enough - Most dermatologists say you should wash your face twice a day, in the morning and before bed.
- Only using water - 53% of people said they usually just use water, which doesn't really do much. Face cleansers are best. But 48% of us have never used one . . . 41% have used regular hand soap instead . . . and 47% have used shampoo or conditioner.
- Using really hot water - 41% of people use hot water when they wash their face. But lukewarm is better for your skin.
- Drying your face off by rubbing it with a towel - Towels are fine, but you should pat it dry. Too much rubbing dries your skin out.
- Not washing your face after you've been sweating - You should wash it immediately after a workout. Otherwise, the sweat and oil seeps into your skin, clogs your pores, and causes breakouts.
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