With medicinal and recreation marijuana having become legal in several states, a scientist is betting his retirement on a new line of medical cannabis products that actually help you sober up from a high.
Steve Goldner, who co-invented liquid methadone in the '70s, invented a new product called Parachute that is made out of pure CBD that immediately sobers you up if you get too high.
With all the marijuana edibles you can legally buy in some states, many people who aren't used to marijuana are getting way too high. So this new invention sounds like it could prevent a ton of freak-outs and ER trips. It can also help people think twice about driving under the influence.
It sounds simple to use as well. You just put one under your tongue, it dissolves, and within five minutes you'll feel right again.
For now, the pills are just available in Michigan, but they should expand to other states where marijuana is legal soon.
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