Your man wants to take the kayaks out on the lake, but you have laundry to catch up on. Your lady really wants to see the latest rom-com, but you need to mow the lawn. Chores takes away from the fun... and unfortunately, that sometimes means:intimacy falls off a cliff.
It’s really hard to experience desire, when you’re mentally bogged down with other concerns. Thinking about chores, the budget and your busy schedule is hard to put aside, but in order to have a healthy and fulfilling relationship, you need to. Here are some ways that you can do just that:
- Have a moment of physical contact before you tackle the chores. It can be something as simple as a hug or kiss, or a hand squeeze as you pass by.
- Offer to do the chore that your partner hates the most, so they feel loved and appreciated.
- Suggest an activity that you both can do together after you finish the chores...kinda like a reward for the day’s work. This also ensures that you both set aside time for each other.
- Show appreciation for the things you see your partner do; focus on their effort, not necessarily their results. Having sporadic eye contact and a quick moment of physical touch will help you to see the person instead of the task at hand.
While those household obligations are a drag and some days you just DON’T want to deal with any of it, realize that it's yet a no other way that you and your partner are taking care of each other. Nothing says love like providing an organized, clean and safe environment where your love will grow and flourish.
Source:Your Tango
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