If you want to drink, but don't want to drink alone, look no further! You can now buy beer for your dogs and wine for your cats!
According to Funny Or Die:
Pet Wine Shop makes wine out of catnip, and on their site they break down the ingredients of each wine, the effects, which are things like “increased playfulness,” “rolling around, flipping over” and “if ingested, will act as a mild sedative.” That sounds about right. There are a few different kinds to choose from, all called super cute things like catbernet or white kittendel. And as if the cute pun names weren’t enough, they even come with their own fuzzy wine sleeves.
Good Boy Dog Beer on the other hand makes a variety of dog-friendly beer with equally fun names, like IPA a lot in the yard and crotch sniffin’ ale. CROTCH. SNIFFIN’. ALE.This company lists all the ingredients they use in each brew, and the beer is actually good for your dogs. If only the same could be said for the beer you’re gonna consume this weekend.