How many people have you kissed in your life? A recent survey asked more than 7,500 Americans over the age of 18. And it's a little hard to nail down an exact average. Where are you on this list...
- 23% said they're not sure
- 16% said between 5 and 10
- 15% said they've kissed MORE than 50 people in their life!!!!
- 13% said 11 to 20
- 13% said 2 to 4
- 11% said between 20 and 50!
- 5% of people said they've never been kissed
- 4% said they've only kissed one person
The survey also found people in the western U.S. are the least likely to have never been kissed...only 3% compared to 6% everywhere else. They're also more likely to have kissed over 50 people...20% compared to 16% in the Northeast, 13% in the South, and 12% in the Midwest.
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