There's nothing like a good cry. Turns out, crying can make you happier too...
We’re all one of two types of people – criers or dry-eyes. There’s not really an in-between. If you’re a non-crier surrounded by teary-eyed friends, it might start to feel funny that you don’t get the urge to sob more often. But is crying really the answer to your woes? Maybe, but maybe not.
According to psychologist Ad Vingerhoets, crying is a way of letting people know you need assistance, so in that way, crying can be therapeutic. People will always stop to help out someone who’s a little on the teary side. So what does that mean if you’re not a show-er when it comes to your emotions? Getting help from others is a matter of asking.
Believe it or not, crying is a form of communication when you’re sad. You’re either telling yourself you need some help, or you’re signaling to others that you’re not doing so hot. For all of you dry-eyes out there – you might want to think about communicating your emotions in other ways. No one wants to be the guy that didn’t cry at “Titanic.”
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