We all have heard phrases said wrongly. Whether people say, I could care less, or when they say, literally about something that is not at all literal. But it turns out, there are a bunch of phrases that we have been mispronouncing. Check out some of my favorites below!
- Nip it in the butt vs Nip it in the bud - When someone says they are going to nip it in the bud, it means they are going to do something and get it over with quickly and efficiently. Somewhere along the line the word bud became butt and entered the mainstream vocabulary, but this doesn't make sense as a sentence.
- Hunger pains vs Hunger pangs - While both of these phrases mean the same thing - the individual is experiencing tension in their lower abdomen associated with hunger - pangs is the correct way to finish that sentence.
- You've got another thing coming vs You've got another think coming - To have another think coming means to be greatly mistaken and is the correct form of this sentence. The phrase you've got another thing coming is incorrect.
- For all intents and purposes vs For all intensive purposes - For all intents and purposes means in every practical sense or virtually. Many people say for all intensive purposes. Not only is it the wrong phrase, it also doesn't make grammatical sense.
- One in the same vs One and the same - By saying something is one and the same you're effectively saying the two things you're talking about are identical. One in the same is implying the exact same thing but grammatically correct.
So how many do YOU say incorrectly? Click here to read more.