Helpful tips to save you money on your food budget, so you have money left for the important things…like more food.
- Keep ice cream soft in a Ziplock - Stick your tub of ice cream inside and seal it away from freezer burn while keeping it soft.
- Wrap the crown of a bunch of bananas with plastic wrap and they'll last 3–5 days longer than usual - Especially helpful if you buy organic bananas.
- Look at the top and bottom shelves at the grocery store - Supermarkets stock the priciest stuff at eye-level, so look up and down to spot the deals.
- Buy chicken in family packs, drop the extras into Ziplocks with marinade, and freeze - The chicken will be so flavorful and you can just thaw what you need. (if you really wanna go nutty, kick it up a notch and invest in a Foodsaver…same idea, but airtight and lasts longer)
- Use the microwave to dry leftover herbs - You’re not going to use all that fresh parsley before it starts to wilt, so preserve its color and flavor by putting it between two paper towels, then microwave them for a minute and save the dried herbs (or you can freeze them)
- Use a money-saving app to compare prices of your shopping list at local stores - Apps like favado can even notify you of new sale prices, so you can know before you shop.
- Wrap celery, broccoli, and lettuce in aluminum foil before storing in the fridge - This keeps it crisp for weeks.
- Find local restaurants where kids eat for free - This Out To Eat With Kids app saves money on food that the kiddos will probably drop on the floor anyway.
- Keep brown sugar from turning rock-hard by sticking a few marshmallows in the bag - Strange, but it works.
- If you’re a lightweight who can’t finish a bottle of wine, freeze the rest in an ice cube tray - Then you can pop out wine cubes when a recipe calls for vino.
Source: Buzzfeed