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According to a panel of medical doctors, we all need to wash our hands for a minimum of 20 seconds. Here are the times you should wash them, no excuses:
Always wash your hands before:
- Preparing food
- Eating food
- Touching contact lenses
- Caring for a sick person
- Caring for the wounds of an injured person
- Taking or giving medicine
- Touching or putting your hands or fingers in your mouth, eyes or nose
Always wash your hands after:
- Handling any raw food, especially meats
- Going to the bathroom
- Changing diapers
- Nose blowing
- Coughing or sneezing, especially into hands
- Petting animals
- Handling pet toys or pet waste
- Changing the dressing on wounds
- Caring for a sick person
- Handling waste or garbage
- Handling garden or household chemicals
- Touching dirty shoes
- Shaking hands with people
- Touching anything that could be contaminated with germs
- Whenever your hands look or are dirty