The Reason Men Cheat May Not Be What You Think

Man with kisses on a collar and his angry wife


Having a spouse that cheats is obviously a terrible thing, and it may sometimes leave women thinking there was something they could have done to prevent it from happening. Well, according to a new report, the chances are pretty good that no matter what they would have done their guy would have strayed anyway.

A new survey reveals the reasons behind why men cheat and while you may think boredom would be the top answer, it isn’t even one of the top three excuses. In fact, the number one reason a guy will cheat on his partner is because the person he cheated with is really hot.

 Top Five Reasons Men Cheat

  • The other person was really hot
  • The other person was really there for them
  • They weren’t getting enough sex from their partner
  • Boredom
  • Their partner wasn’t paying enough attention to them.

As for women, their top excuses are more emotional than physical with the number one reason being that their partner stopped paying attention, followed by their cheating partner being there for them.

Top Five Reasons Women Cheat

  • Their partner wasn’t paying enough attention to them
  • The other person was really there for them
  • I was having doubts about my relationship
  • The other person was really hot
  • Boredom

Source: Superdrug

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