More and more studies keep finding that if you're a miserable JERK your whole life, you probably won't live as long as someone who's easygoing. Here are five personality traits that have been linked to living longer...
- Being conscientious - Meaning you think things through and you're thorough about it. So you don't take a lot of unnecessary risks.
- Openness - Meaning you're receptive to new concepts and experiences. In other words, you keep learning and don't resist change too much.
- Emotional stability - People who freak out and get depressed about everything don't tend to live as long. If you can figure out how to roll with the punches, you'll live longer.
- Friendliness - Which kind of goes hand in hand with being positive. Plus people who socialize and stay close with friends tend to live longer.
- Expressing yourself freely - People who bottle stuff up don't tend to live as long as people who can express their feelings.