These Four Changes Can Help a "Night Owl" Become a "Morning Person"

Even morning people can feel groggy on Mondays. But if you're someone who OFTEN has trouble in the morning, this is for you. A new study at Baylor looked at the differences between "night owls" and "morning people"...and whether it's possible to BECOME a morning person.

The researchers behind it say genetics do have a lot to do with it. Some of us are just pre-programmed to stay up later than others. But they found there are a few lifestyle choices that can make mornings even harder.

They followed the sleep habits of 858 college students for a year. Here are the top four things you should avoid if you want to be a morning person:

  1. Put your phone down, and turn off the TV - Don't use any electronics too close to your bedtime. And definitely not while you're IN bed.
  2. Only drink coffee in the morning - Avoid caffeine for at least six hours before bed.
  3. Don't take long naps - 30 minutes might be okay. But if you nap much longer than that, you're more likely to have trouble sleeping that night.
  4. Don't exercise in the evening - Too much physical activity can keep you up. So morning or afternoon workouts are better.

Source: Baylor University

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