Not every friend has your best interests at heart. It isn’t always easy to tell whether someone you know will wind up being a true friend.
Now, people are sharing signs that may give you a clue about their true intentions.
It all started when someone on Reddit posed the question, What is a non-obvious red flag in a friendship?, with plenty of folks chiming in on what to look out for.
Friendship red flags include:
- Always one-upping — This doesn’t refer to sharing their own story in response to yours — that’s pretty normal. It’s more about how you can never have the focus remain on you, it always becomes about them.
- Asking you for stuff all the time.
- Treating you differently when you’re around other people — acting embarrassed, disgusted, condescendingly, reserved…don't stick your necks out for someone who wouldn’t even lift a pinky for you.
- When it feels as though you do all the giving, and they do all the talking.
- When they can't keep plans consistent — If they're consistently last-minute dropping/changing plans, then it's a sign that you're their second-best option. You're their backup if nothing else is better.
- Plans always have to be whatever they want, and they get sulky if you want to do something you enjoy.
- You get nervous and have to be really careful what you say because anything can set them off.
- Gossiping about others to you — If they do this, there's a 99% chance that they'll gossip about you behind your back.
- They have another group of friends you’re never invited to hang out with, even though you invite them to hang out with your other friend groups.
SOURCE: BuzzFeed