Bride Demands All Her Bridesmaids Be The Same Height

I've heard of bridezillas before, but this might be taking it to a whole new level. A bride has gone viral for demanding that all of her bridesmaids be the same height.

It happened when a friend of one of the bridesmaids posted a thread on Reddit.

The thread read like this:

Out of all the things a bride could need to control, why do they pick the weirdest sh*t?
So one of my good friends is 5'10" (we'll call her L) and her cousin is getting married. Now, said cousin is 5'11" and apparently has some weird height issue. She starts by telling my friend her other 7 bridesmaids that no one can be taller than her, and she'll be wearing 2 inch heels, so prepare appropriately. That's fine, L decides she'll wear flats.
Fast forward a couple of months, bride has now decided that all the bridesmaids must be the exact same height. Since L is 5'10", everyone must be exactly 5'10" and a half (apparently the heel on her flats give her half an inch, and yes the bride thinks that's big enough deal to warrant addressing the extra half inch). The issue? One of the other bridesmaids, her high school best friend, is 5'3". That's right, this girl needs 7.5 inch heels. L and short bridesmaid bring up how impossible this is going to be, bride goes on a rant about how it's her day and her vision and this is a small request so freakin get over it.
The issue now is that bride hates all the shoes that the bridesmaid has found that are 7 inches tall. According to bride, they look like hooker shoes. She's complained about how horrible short bridesmaid is for making a big deal about it. As of yesterday, she told L AND short bridesmaid that they were ruining her day and that one of them had to drop out of the wedding party, but she would let them decide which of them were a real friend to her and which of them was a fake friend.
Who even does this kind of thing???

Ladies, what's the craziest request you've ever had from a bride?!

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