High School Sends Dress Code For Parents, Not Students

James Madison High School in Houston,Texas has gained a lot of attention after they sent a memo for sending out a dress code required for parents if they plan to enter the building. Some of the items in the code include parents not being able to wear pajamas, short shorts or dresses, shower caps and more. Click here to see the full memo.

The memo goes as follows:

Dear Madison Parents and all guests,
To prepare our children and let them know daily, the appropriate attire they are supposed to wear when entering a building, going somewhere, applying for a job, or visiting someone outside of the home setting, I am going to enforce these guidelines on a daily basis at Madison High School. We are preparing our children for the future and it begins here. Therefore:
  • No one can enter the building or be on the school premises wearing a satin cap or bonnet on their head for any reason in the building. You also cannot wear a shower cap of any kind in the building.
  • Hair rollers will not be permitted in the building.
  • Pajamas of any kind will not be permitted in the building along with house shoes or any other attire that could possibly be pajamas, underwear, or home setting wear; such as flannel pajamas
  • Jeans that are torn from your buttocks (behind) to all the way down showing lots of skin will not be permitted in the building or the premises
  • Leggings that are showing your bottom and where your body is not covered from the front or the back (rear) will not be permitted in the building and on the premises.
  • Very low cut tops or revealing tops that you can see your busts (breasts) will not be permitted in the building or on the premises.
  • Sagging pants, shorts, jeans will not be permitted in the building and on the premises. Men wearing undershirts will NOT be permitted in the building.
  • Short, shorts that are up to your behind will NOT be permitted on the premises and in the building.
  • Daisy Dukes and low rider shorts will not be permitted on the premises and in the building.
  • Dresses that are up to your behind will not be permitted on the premises or in the building or any attire that is totally unacceptable for the school setting.

Do you think the memo is a bit extreme or actually proves a really good point?

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