Important Tips To Get Your Car To Start In The COLD

It's going to get COLD! More than just cold, STUPID COLD!

Below are tips that should help you and your automobile out this week as the temps dip into the teens...

  1. Sometimes easier said then done - park your car inside if you can. Anything to block the wind alone is a big benefit.
  2. Make sure that all accessories - fans, lights, interior domes, radio etc are turned off before starting the car. Battery power plummets in the cold, stream all that energy to the start before you worry about jamming out to us.
  3. Keep your car at least half filled with gas. This prevents fuel line freezing.
  4. Check your tires and check them often. Cold air lowers tire pressure and low pressure can cause premature wear and blowouts.
  5. Make sure your windshield washer fluid is a winter blend, NOT the blue stuff. The blue stuff is typically summer blend and will freeze clogging up your fluid line.
  6. Use hand sanitizer on your keys. When temps get low and locks freeze the alcohol in the sanitizer will help quickly melt the ice on the locks.
  7. Park your car facing east. When the sun rises in the east, it will help melt some of the snow and frost making it the slightest bit easier to scrape off and clean.
  8. Make sure you have an emergency kit on hand with blankets, snacks, jumper cables and more.

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